The Inns of Granny White
Homeowners Association

Introduction and Welcome

Welcome to the Inns of Granny White (IGW). IGW is a quiet respectful community in Oak Hill. Developed in 1985, the master plan includes forty-six lots. Our residents are a diverse group yet we all share a common bond for the well being of our community and neighborhood.

Homeowners and property owners work through and are represented by an annually-elected board and standing committee system. It is our hope that all residents will take an active interest in the issues and welfare of the Inns of Granny White Homeowner's Association (IGWHOA). we all have a stake here.

We want our community to function smoothly and for neighbors to enjoy that special environment that we have here. Certain rules and protocols have evolved through the years; we hope all homeowners and property owners will respect and adhere to them. To the boards that have so ably served over the years, these rules and protocols are common sense, intended to serve over the individual interest and collective safety and welfare of all of our property owners.

We are pleased that you are a part of our community!

Contact the HOA

Board of Directors
Dave Martinez (President)

Amy Frankel Nau (Secretary)

Styric McClure (Treasurer)

Kate Stout (Board Member)

Robert Walsh (Board Member)

Chan McCullough (Design Review Committee Chair)

Ray Booth (Design Review Committee Member)

Don Williamson (Design Review Committee Member

Marlowe Taylor (Landscape Committee Chair)

Board Meetings

The IGWHOA meets annually with all homeowners (usually in February) during which time, board members are elected and committee membership is updated.

The IGWHOA board meets quarterly, although the board may meet more frequently when necessary. All homeowners are encouraged to attend board meetings.

Homeowners Association Fees

Each homeowner/property owner is obligated for an annual maintenance fee, currently $400 per lot.